The 40-series was an extension of the 20-series short with the 25 becoming the 40, and the longer wheelbase 28 model becoming the 43. In the later stages of the 20-series a long bodied 35 becoming the 45. Thereby the 40-series inherited by body and chassis from the 20-series, and most of the changes focused on the power train. The 40-series for the first time took on a 2-speed transfer with a LO range, so in addition to being able to switch from 2WD to 4WD, now you were also able to switch from HI to LO range. On the 40-series the switch from 2WD to 4WD was made by engaging or disengaging the front wheel drive using an engine vacuum actuator; whereas the HI/LO switch was a remote control type by the mechanical operation of a lever. To switch from the 2WD to the higher 4WD range you pulled a knob, and to switch into the LO range you operated the lever. It was built in such a way that moving the lever automatically triggered the switch in a single smooth operation.
The change to a 2-speed transfer was also linked to the change to a 3-speed transmission. The 20-series did not have a LO range, so it required a 4-speed transmission, but with the 40-series the gear ratio adapted to very low speeds reduced the need for an extra gear in the transmission.
The operational interaction of the transfer and the transmission also underwent changes that led to increased reliability of operation. The front drive switch knob remained on the instrument panel, but the HI/LO switch was moved to a floor shift type directly on the transfer. By that time changes in the transmission reflected a shift to the 4-speed and 5 speed.
The F-type gasoline engine was switched to a B-type diesel engine, with improvements in the piston displacement, and other accommodations to increasingly strict emissions control regulations. The 3.0-liter engine that had been found in the BJ40/43 was enlarged to a 3.2-liter power unit, and this B-type engine was put in the BJ41/44. Then an even larger 3.4-liter 3B-type engine which cleared increasingly strict emissions regulations was mounted in the BJ44/46.
Building a TLC is not as easy as it seems, if you want to enjoy it you need to build it correctly so there is no hassle afterward and you can enjoy it to the maximum. You may have many options when it comes to putting this in or putting that in but a very few will be the right options which will give you no headaches afterward. First of all you need to ask yourself what you need it for. After you have figured that part out, follow accordingly. Remember the closest you keep your self to stock parts the easier your life is going be.
In my opinion if you want to travel with a bit of off-roading u should go for Surf set up (1kz non turbo, surf tubes /axles and suspension). That way you will have a bit of comfortable ride and plenty of REV at your service.
If you want to play hardcore like i do the only option you have is B2 or B13 with 5 forward gear box, with stock tubes and axles with 4 wheel disc all around. 5 leaf setup (kamani).
As far as the power steering is concerned, go for a original Toyota pump with original brackets which connect to the engine, nothing can beat that set up. You can also get a Hiace or a Coaster set up but i would recommend you the Toyota’s original setups other than that, add a big radiator with 7 leaf fans.
Do put namda in the engine bay both sides and underneath the bonnet.
So why not give u all a break up for your future project.
1- Donor Jeep;
Option a. Auctioned jeep from open market which is not really in working condition with a 3-f petrol engine.( Rs 2 lac to 2.5 lac.)(registration = 50 grand).
Option b. A running Land Cruiser with a diesel engine, registered in a average condition will cost you from 3.5 to 5 lacs.(depending on the models).
2- Overhauling of engine; petrol or diesel approx (60000).
3- Denting, depending on the condition of its body (50000).
4- Paint (2k) (25000).
5- Prado dash with Ac vents full (25000).
6- AC/Heater (15000).
7- Surf seats (5000).
8- Back Seat Custom made (2500).
9- Sound system (10,000).
10-Bull bars/side bars/front grill (20,000).
11- Leather Interior, seat covers and door coverings(15,000).
12- Second hand Alloy-Rims (15,000).
13- 285 M/T tyres (60,000).
14- Tubes/axles front and back (60,000).
15- Disc breaks rear or front (10,000).
16- Electric works all kabli wiring (10000).
17- Around 10 grand for a soft top.
That is all i can think of at the moment. Some other stuff :
Floor mats- carpets- gear box-4×4 special- radiator-battery and the list goes on on and on.
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