That is one of the main differences between male and female drivers.
Females being detail oriented and inquisitive, will have no inhibition in asking questions (and directions for that matter) while men usually prefer to take control and normally refrain from too many question on the danger of appearing stupid . Maybe it is this tendency to ask questions that gives women drivers a slightly tarnished reputation. Asking questions is definitely a positive attribute but some questions are bound to be stupid as I’ve just proven.
Does that make men better drivers than women or the contrary true? While sight of a female driver in front, beside or behind will immediately get male drivers to try to take their cars away as far as possible, research shows males are more likely to get into accidents. Statistics invariably favour female drivers to be more cautious and adhering to rules than males. That’s why insurance
The prime difference between driving by the two however, is of aggression. Male drivers are more prone to aggressiveness and risk taking. While female drivers are involved in some horrendously risky driving themselves, they usually do it out of ignorance than on purpose. Display of aggression by female drivers usually results under pressure by other motorists. Male experience less pressure by fellow motorists suggesting that their source of aggression is innate.Both sides handles maintenance issues differently. Females, usually not aware of the mechanics of the car, are bewildered by the ‘funny noise’ coming from the engine or the rear. They are more likely to describe symptoms to the repairman while men will suggest a diagnosis of the problem.
In our society things are difficult for female drivers. They are victims of male chauvinists who consider driving to be a purely masculine activity and every women in a driving seat to be defying this law of nature. Targeted by rickshaw drivers, street hawkers, bus conductors, pedestrians and of course fellow male motorists every female driver here I’m sure must’ve heard the haughty male comment ‘Oh a female driver. Beware!.’
The key to an agreeable road experience is mutual respect and patience. Everybody should practice self restraint and cooperate with others instead of treating traffic as a battle ground where there will be survival of only the fittest.
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